Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

Today felt like one of those days you wish about in the dead of winter. It was ninety degrees and my cousin is visiting! She is so much fun!

This morning my mum came back with Botato Rounds® from Bojangles after dropping my brother off for weightlifting. I don't like that restaurant, but I will eat their circular hash browns. Then my sister and cousin, who is visiting from Minnesota, and I watched Wimbledon.
We got dressed for the day and by that point my older brother had picked up my little brother at weightlifting and were back at the house. We played some Wii and were all joking around. My cousin was teasing my older brother and he got angry because he can't take a joke. He flipped us off. My sister, my cousin, and I were angry because that behavior is uncalled for and unacceptable. We called him on it and he proceed to continue.
We left the house and rode our bikes to Subway. As we were leaving, I poured a watering can of water on his shoes he had left on the patio. You mess with me and my girls, I'm gonna mess with you! The weather was warm and sunny and the riding our bikes was fun. At Subway, we had lunch and just sat around talking because no one wanted to hang out with a bunch of cranky boys. On our way home we rode our bikes past a cute boy's house and just rode around the neighborhood.
When we got home, the shoes were dry, so we watered them again. All three of us were hot and sweaty, so we put on our craziest swim suits and turned of the hose. My orange floral boy shorts looked great with a yellow bikini top, green tank top, pink Crocs, and green & aqua Ray Bans! We sprayed each other and just ran around the lawn like we were five years old.
We played some more Wii and then went uptown and got ice cream. As we were walking back to the house we stopped and picked some blackberries in our yard. We came back and I played on Polyvore. com. Erg! Having trouble putting the set on here though! Check it out: http://www.polyvore.com/mood_to_movement/set?id=9964257
Once my mum gets home, we will have dinner and hopefully go to the pool. Maybe if my day continues in this lucky pattern, the cute guy who belongs to our swim club will be there! I'll keep you posted.

Oh and by the way, my camera is lost, but once it is found I will upload some pictures. My computer in my room is broken, so I'm on my sister's lap top, which works fun, but is trickier to blog from than what I'm used to using. Talk to you Thursday...I hope!

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