Thursday, July 2, 2009


Guess what! Noting happened today!

Tomorrow though, some of the girls and I (my sister, one of my step-sisters, cousin, and mum)are going to get manicures and pedicures! Yay! We wanted to get them done before the beach, which we leave for on Saturday!

I love the beach, but I'm kind of scared of how the first vacation as a family is going to work. Besides the six kids our family normally consist of, we are bringing along my cousin and on of my older step-brother's friends. The friend isn't one of the cute ones... That makes ten people, including the parental units in our beach house.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog on my normal schedule next week because of vacation, but I'll try my best.

Back to the cute boys: There is this one that I met a while ago and now I have a huge crush on him! I feel that I shouldn't because he is on of my older step-brother's friends. I always have a great time with him and he is very nice, but I feel a little rebellious crushing on him. Then this is this other guy, who is way less of a risk to like, but I don't know as well. He is the cute guy from the pool and I only sometimes ride my bike past his house! Oh and my the way, on Tuesday, when I was hoping he would be at the pool, he called my step-bro and asked if we would meet us at the pool. Once we got there though, we were both too shy to talk to each other much. Then there is this other boy, he is way older and almost counts as a C.O.D (Creepy Old Dude). He text my step-bro at youth group when we were watching a movie that said, "your sister is f-ing hot." He used a different would than "f-ing" though. Gross! I'll keep you posted!

Camera and my computer are both still lost/broken!

Check out the Polyvore set for the Fourth of July:

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