Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Top 10 Things I Miss Most About Pittsburgh, PA

Moving five hundred miles away from Pittsburgh has brought on many changes. These are the top ten things I miss most, since I have moved:

10. Brown Dirt- In Pittburgh the dirt is brown; here the dirt is red, due to clay in the ground. Come on, dirt is supposed to be brown!

9. Local News Channels-It is silly, but I miss being able to look at the weather map on the local news and knowing where all the places are and where the stories are taking place. On the local news channels here the anchors have their e-mail addess under their name. Why would I want to e-mail the news anchor?

8. Pittsburgh's Oakland Neighborhood- This part of the city is home to the University of Pittsburgh's main campus, lots of cool places to eat, and many museums. The vibe is awesome and it is a great place to people watch.

7. Barnes and Noble, Delias, and Panera Bread- I can't find these places nearby at all! There is a Panera Bread, but it isn't on every street conrner like back at home. I know I can order books from Barnes and Noble online (Actually I already I have...) and clothes from the Delias website, but I'll miss just wandering around both stores. Oh, there is also no ice skating rink nearby...arg!

6. Tennis Camp- My sister and I spent most summer evenings hitting tennis balls around a court preparing for tennis camp and then when camp finally rolled around we were so excited be could barely focus on a game, set, or match. No tennis camp this summer though...

5. Knowing Where Everything in Town is Located- I went shopping with my brothers, and sister today and we took so many twist and turns I know I can't tell you how to get back to the store. It is so confusing not knowing where you are going when in the car! I can ride my bike here more than back home, so that is a plus!

4. Swim Club- My family and I were members of our swim club for over ten years before having to move and give up our membership! I have lots of great memories there like swim lessons when I was little, swim team, my 12th birthday party, and lots of Sip and Dip cook-out parties.

3. Dance Classes- I miss my teachers, the other dancers, but most of all I miss dancing! I haven't found a studio I like yet.

2. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Main Library in Oakland- Best library ever! It is in a huge, historic building, with a marble staircase. There is a cafe, reading room, garden, teen room, and some secret passageways. Oh and the books! They have like a zillion books and if they don't have it, they will get it for you! At one time I had a thirty dollar fine though. I won't miss those fines.

1. Friends and Family- I miss you guys! I miss hanging out doing nothing or doing everything. We are planning when I can come visit! Yay!

Watching tennis! Be back on Thursday for the next post!

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