I haven't blogged in ages... I'ld like to say I've been busy, but that's a bit of a lie.
My new love? Tumblr!! I know what you are thinking, "How can you manage a blog AND a Tumblr when you never blog in the first place??" I was right, wasn't I? Well, I don't know, I can manage. Tumblr is simple and if you love photography then you should get one!
Oh guess what! Ann is moving closer from where she goes to school now! She is transferring at the end of the year! She is changing her major to photography, but I can't convince her to get a Tumblr.
I threw a surprise party with my brother Micheal last night. I don't think I ever introduced you to my brother Micheal even though I blog about him a lot. So yeah, if you have read about him before that's Micheal. It was fun. The party was originally my idea and was for his best friend, my best guy friend, Sean. We had funnel cakes with lots of toppings!

little black dress-Target, sneakers- Converse All Stars
That was the look last night. Sorry for the bad picture; maybe I should get some help from Ann. Hopefully I'll get some better pictures her boyfriend took and maybe I'll upload those.'Till Later,
cute dress!