Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who Knew A Familiar Voice Could Help So Much?

I don't have much to say today.

I went to see the sports trainer today after swimming and then went to the doctors. They say I have a strained rotater-cuff. idk. My shoulders kill when I'm swimming and after and just doing normal things. They just recommend limited arm movement (well, I'll just try not to drown) and anti-inflammatory meds, and and exercises. Big help... Tomorrow we have a fly stroke clinic and I don't want to miss that!

Tomorrow is also my birthday! I turn sixteen! Sweet Sixteen! My mum kind of resceduled my birthday. She planned to take my sister, Ann, dorm supply shopping tomorrow a long time ago, not realizing it was my birthday that far in advance. That might be fun, so I was fine with that long as I got to pick where we went to lunch. Ha!
Then we were going to go out to dinner with the family and some friends if I wanted to invite them. Well, guess what! I have no friends here! If we were at home I could have invited a bunch of friends and we would have a good time. (We always have a good time.) Now, here I haven't really met many people I'm comfortable inviting to go to dinner with my hectic family. I was kind of upset about that for a while because the parental units kept pushing it.
I decided I would invite a family friend, who I kind of have a crush on, but I couldn't work up enough guts to invite him. In the end though, my friends convinced me to just invite him to cake back at the house. He said yes!
The kicker is, my mum decided to go to dinner on Saturday night (her birthday!) so that my brother could come. The family friend is still coming though tomorrow, so that's good.

I guess I did have a lot to say...Once I get started I can talk forever. Thanks Tt for listening last night, a time when I needed it the most. I don't want to sound motherish but if a friend is going through a hard time, just listening can be a big help.

No pictures today, hopefully next time. If you want to see some really awesome sets, visit me on Polyvore:

My friend is going to Niagra Falls this weekend so, until Niagra falls, ~K

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