Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Wear Plain Pants When You Can Wear Plaid Pants?

I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Last night!! I'm going to write two reviews; the first review will be brief and not include spoilers, and be without many details. The second review, which will be placed after the Plaid Pants Pictures, will include some spoilers, many details, and will heavily include my opinion. If you haven't seen the movie and are looking forward to making your own judgment and seeing the film without any spoilers than read the first review. If you have read the book, have already seen the movie, or want to read a review before going to the film then read the second review. Don't tell me I didn't warn you!!

First review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince follows Harry and his best friends, Ron and Hermione through their sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I personally enjoyed the film. There was more comedy in this film than in the previous ones. Let's just say: Harry is in better spirits than HP5. Ron is just as awkward. Hermione's hair is more poofy and her style is awesome. Was that so bad??

Here are some pictures I snapped (ok, my sister took the ones of me) in the past two days.

Why do I look so confused?? idk. Check out the plaid pants! I really love plaid! My sis took this picture, when we got to Subway. Obviously we rode our bikes there for lunch.
Sunglasses- Pac Sun /Tank- Old Navy/ Shorts-Delias/Shoes- Converse/Purse- Target

First rule of photography: No set up shots. BROKEN! Just showing you what I'm reading.
Boys R Us by: Lisi Harrison/ Teen Vogue August 2009
My sis in her plaid pants today for running errands.. She apologizes the reds don't match.
Cami- idk/ Shorts- Abercrombie/Shoes- Old Navy
Today's outfit...sorry no plaid.
Sunglasse- Nine and Company/ Tank- idk/Cardigan- Forever 21/Shoes- Converse
We found this treasure, while thrifting today. Don't worry, we didn't actually but them.
Pants- idk Let me know if you are interested in buying them.

Second Review: We (me, my sis, my two step sisters, two step brothers, older step-sis's bf, the bf's little bro, and two of my older step bro's friends) pre-ordered our tickets for HP6, which I would highly recommend because the theater was packed! The whole way to the theater I was freaking out we were going to be late, but we weren't, about a half an hour early actually. Some people went to claim seats and I was left with my sis, my older step-bro, and the bf's bro to order: two large Cokes, one medium Coke, one medium Cherry Coke, one large popcorn, one Cookie Bites candy, and a cherry Slushie. I felt really bad for the guy behind the counter, but he was nice and didn't mess anything up. (cute too) Then we had to juggle everything into the theater. I was about to have a panic attack because I was so mad they left me to pay and I was holding a bunch of things that weren't mine. As I walked through the isle I kicked I guy, but he could tell I was freakin' since I was yelling at everyone to claim their snacks. Then I yelled at my sis to put my cup holder down so I could pass out everything. The guy that I kicked used his foot to put my cup holder down, which was really nice of him. I'm rambling...

Here is the actually review: HP6 was awesome! The whole movie, just like the book, had a much brighter mood than HP5. It was made superbly.

There was lots of funny jokes and I laughed more than I remembered while reading the book. The film is filled with drama. Lavender Brown becomes a bigger character. Luna Lovegood and her unique personality add a new perspective to everything. Hermione, with even more poofy hair and a fabulous wardrobe, struggles to keep up with Harry on Potions as he gets help from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince, and who she has feelings for when it comes to boys. Draco Malfoy is given some sort of task and although some people think he is good-looking, he is nawt hawt (sorry, I've been reading the latest Clique book) going about trying to fulfill the task.

Quidditch is back in the film. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is any in the fifth Harry Potter movie. Viewers get to see more of Fred's and George's joke shop. Ginny has grown older and has her own boy drama.

Dumbledore plays a bigger role than ever before. You see the past of Tom Riddle, who grows up to become Voldy. Voldemort is still on the rise to power for the second time. Dumbledore and Harry go on a journey, which was kind of freaky, just like in the book. My sister had me hold her hand she was so scared. The journey was different from the book, which will haunt them later, for those little details become key points in HP7. That is really my only big complaint, there were many missing details or smaller plots within in the story that weren't in the film that are needed in the next story.

The movie is long too and kind of jumps from season to season. Also I pictured Professor Slughorn much fatter. In the end though, the movie was brillant and I'm going again when one of my BFF comes to visit in two weeks! I also might go with my mum when she decides to go to the cinema. I thought I would have a better review...sorry.


  1. that was a really good review even though i haven't seen the movie and i loved ur outfits, soooo cute!
